Taking Advantage of 'People Also Ask' Questions For Profits
The real power of People Also Ask questions comes into play when you are a smaller brand that's going up against the big brands.
If you can't rank directly for a short-tail keyword for example "women's shoes", you can get more narrow - which a lot of times is more profitable.
Recall my keyword research tutorial which talks about going after longer-tail content that converts better than short-tail versions: BuSo Digital Strategy Crash Course - Day 6 - Keyword Research).
Let's look at "red bottom heels", they go for $745 to $3000+, but those are Christians, and you probably won't outrank Christian Louboutin for his own brand.

Small Brand Dominating
But look closely, who is Brianne Fleming? They own the #1 People Also Ask (PAA) question for "red bottom heels". I went to the page and looked up their Ahrefs DR score to get a closer look:

The domain only has an Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) of 15 - WHAT?!?!?
On-top of that the same page ranks within the top 10 results, under Nordstrom, Amazon, and Lyst at the #8 position:

Looking at the metrics, 3.2 years old, 3.26 Open PageRank score, and only 915 backlinks total:

The other top 10 domains range in age of 14.4 years to 26.8 years old, yet here is a 3.2 years old domain right there amongst them.
So this weak domain has weaseled it's way into the top results of a major money moving keyword with strong purchasing power, going after the luxury market AND owns 2 positions.

Do I have to spell it out? $$$$ for BrianneFleming.com!
As well the site has a serious loading problem, it took nearly 2 mins on desktop for one of the main pages to load. It literally crashed PageSpeed Insight - multiple times:

But the actual page is optimized a bit better (Mobile is 11, Desktop 54):

So here is a very weak domain, with weak pageload for the main site and page that's gotten into one of the most lucrative luxury brand's keywords top 10 results. Remember these "red bottom heels" go for $745 to $3000+.

Taking Advantage
SERPWoo now allows you to see the exact People Also Ask Questions that comes up for every keyword that has that opportunity ("My Keywords" tab):

What makes SERPWoo unique is the way to group projects, now within the new "Rich Data" tab you can see an aggregated list of questions, as well as other rich data, which comes up. I don't have an example for red bottoms, but I have an example of a ligh bulb project:

Now, you don't have to be a rocket surgeon to see where this is going... In the above project there are 38 keywords that come up with the PAA: "What is the difference between a PAR20 and PAR30 bulb?"
Creating content for these terms and then getting them into the PAA means you'll show up in the top search results for 38 keywords. Since PAA usually rankings in the #2-4 search engine positions that's gold! As well the PAA sources always seem to also be somewhere within the top 10 results as well, perhaps a boost?
You can also get content ideas and topics on what to write about. But I would first get the questions with the best coverage answered and get ranking inside the PAA section for them.
The more keywords in a project the more data you'll be able to aggregate together which you can then target to raise the tide of your project's SEO gameplan to the next level. Now you can quickly hone in on what are the most important questions to answer for your Google searchers.
Tune in next time to learn the best way we found to get featured in the People Also Ask rich data snippets!